Returns from Norway
In order to complete your return process, please follow these steps:
- Fill out sender information and order details.
- Click “Get return label now” at the bottom to generate and open your return label.
- A new window will open, and you can print the return label directly from the browser.
- For your convenience, we will also send an email with the return label.
- Attach the return label to the parcel over the original label.
- Keep note of the tracking number stated on the return label.
- Drop off your parcel at your respective Bring drop off point.
- Please note: If your order includes multiple items, you’ll need to repeat step 1-3 for each item you want to return. E.g., if your order includes 4 items, you will need to generate and print individual return labels for each box.
- If you need any assistance. Don’t hesitate to reach out to our TAKT Support Team at